the owner at an approved P OU LAN /WEED
EA TERservicingcenter.If you haveanyques-
tions r egarding your war r anty rights and r e-
sponsibilities, you should c ontact your nearest
authorized service center or call POULAN/
WEED EATER at 1--800--554--6723. WAR-
RANTY PERIOD: Anywarr antedpart whichis
not scheduled f or replacement as required
maintenance, or w hich is scheduled onl y for
regular i nspection t o the effect of ”repair or r e-
place as necessary” shall be war r anted for 2
years. Any warranted par t which is scheduled
for replacement as requir ed maintenance shall
bewarr antedforthe per iodof timeupto thefirst
scheduled r eplacement point for that part.
DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be char ged
for d iagnostic labor which leads to the deter-
mination that awarr antedpart isdefective ifthe
diagnostic wor k is perfor med at an approved
POULAN /W EED EATER serv ic i n g c e n ter.
WEED EA TER may be liable f or damages to
otherengine com ponentscausedby thefailure
of awarr antedpart still under w ar r anty. WHAT
IS NOT C OVERED: All failures caused by
abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance are
not covered. ADD--ON OR MODIFIED
P ARTS: The use of add--on or m odified parts
can be grounds for disallowing a warr anty
claim . POULAN /WEEDEATER is not liable to
coverfailuresof warr antedpartscaused bythe
use of add--on or m odified parts. HOW TO
FILE ACLAIM : If you have any questions r e-
garding your war r anty rights and r esponsibili-
ties, y ou should contact your nearest autho-
rized service cent er or call POU LAN/WEED
EA TER at 1--800--554--6723. WHERE T O
GET WARRANTY SER VICE: War r anty ser-
vices or repairs shall b e provided at all POU-
LAN/WEED EATER service centers. Call
1--800--554--6723. M AINTENANCE, RE-
EA TERapprovedreplacement par tused inthe
performance of any w ar r anty m aintenance or
repair on e mission related parts will be pro-
vided without char ge to the owner if the part is
under war r anty. EMISSION CONTROL
W ARRANTY PARTS LIST: C ar bur etor, I gni-
tion System: Spark Plug (covered up to m ain-
tenance schedule), Ignition Module. MAINTE-
NANCE STATEMENT: The ow ner is
responsible for the performance o f all requir ed
maintenance as defined in the instruction
The information on the product label indicates which standard your engine i s certified.
Example: (Year) EPA Phase 1 or Phase 2 and/or CALIFORNIA.
This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use:
Moderate (50 hours)
Intermediate (125 hours)
Extended (300 hours)