6. Place t he chain over and behind the
clutch, fitting the drive links in the clutch
drum sprocket.
7. Fit bottom of d rive links between the
teeth in the sprocket in the nose of the
guide bar.
8. Fit chain drive links i n to bar groove.
9. Pull the bar forward until the chain is
snug in the groove of the bar. Ensure all
drive links are in the bar groove.
10. Hold guide bar against the saw frame
and install the chain brake.
11. Replace thechain brakenuts and tighten
finger tight. Once the chain is tensioned
you will need to tighten chain brake nuts.
CHAIN TENSION (Including units with
chain already installed)
NOTE: When adjusting chain tension,
make sure the chain brake nuts are finger
tight only. Attempting to tension the chain
when the chain brake nuts are tight can
cause damage.
Checking the tension:
Use the screwdriver end of the chain adjust-
ment tool(bar tool) tomove the chain around
the bar. If the chain does not rotate, i t is too
tight. If tooloose, thechain willsag belowthe
Chain Brake Nuts
Chain Adjustment
Tool (Bar Tool)
Adjusting the tension:
Chain tension is very important. Chain
stretches during use. This is especially true
during the first few times you use your saw.
Always check chain tension each time you
use and refuel your saw.
An adjusting screw (located on the guide bar)
is used to adjust the tension of the chain (see
S Turn adjusting screw clockwise until chain
solidly contacts bottom of guide bar r ail.
Guide bar
S Using the screwdriver end of the bar tool,
roll chain around guide bar to ensure all
links are in bar gr oove.
S Lift up tipof guidebar tocheck for sag. Re-
lease tip of guide bar, then turn adjusting
screw until sag does not exist.
S Tighten bar clamp nuts securely with the
bar tool.
Chain Brake
S Use the screwdriver end of the bar tool to
move chain around guide bar.
S If chain does not rotate, it is too tight.
Slightly loosen bar clamp nuts and loosen
chain by turning the adjusting screw. Re-
tighten bar clamp nuts.
S If chain is too loose, it will sag below the
guide bar. DO NOT operate the saw if the
chain is loose.
WARNING: If the saw is operated
with a loose chain, the chain could jump off
the guide bar and result in serious injury .