Right Hand
Left Hand
S Position your left hand on the front
handlebar so it is in a straight line with
your right hand on the rear handle
when making bucking cuts. Stand
slightly to the left side of the saw to
keep your body from being in a direct
line with the cutting chain.
S Stand with your weight evenly bal-
anced on both feet.
S Do notoverreach.Youcould bedrawn
orthrown off balance and lose control.
S Do not cut above s houlder height. It is
difficult to maintain control of saw
above shoulder height.
WARNING: The followingfeatures
are included onyour sawto helpreduce
hazard of kickback; however, such fea-
tures will not totally eliminate this d an-
ger. Do not rely only on safety devices.
Follow allsafetyrules to help avoidk ick-
back and other forces which can result
in serious injury.
S Hand Guard: designed to reduce the
chance of your left hand contacting
thec hain ifyour hand slips offthe front
S Positi on of front and rear handlebars:
designed wi th dist ance bet w een han-
dles and “ i n- l i ne” wi t h e ach other. The
spre ad and “in- li ne” positi o n of the
hands provi ded by this design wor k to-
gether to give balance and resistance i n
controlling the pivot of the saw back to-
war d the operator if kickb ack occurs.
S Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar: de-
signed wi t h a small r adi us tip which re-
duces t he size of the ki ckback d anger
zone. This type bar has been demon-
str ated t o signi f icant l y reduce the num-
ber and seri ousness of kickbacks when
tested in accordance wi th ANSIB175.1.
Large Radius
Tip Guide Bar
Small Radius
Tip Guide Bar
S Low Kickback Chain has met kickback
perfor mance r equi r ements when tested
on the representat ive s ample of these
chain saws specifi ed in ANSI B175.1.
ickback Chain
Contoured Depth Gauge
Elongated Guard Link
Deflects Kickback Force
And Allows Wood To
Gradually Ride Into Cutter
WARNING: Comput ed Kickback
in the following CKA Ta ble represents the
angle of kickback your bar and chain
combinations will have when tested in ac-
cordance wi th CSA and ANSI standards.
Compu tedangles representedin t heCKA
column indicate total energy and angle
associ ated with out a chain br ake. W hen
purchasing replacements, consider ati ons
should be given t o the lower CKA values.
In al lcases, l owerCKA values repr esenta
safer operating environment for the user.
S Tip contact in some cases may caus e
a lightning fast
guide bar up and back toward the op-
S Pinchingthe saw chain along the tipof
the guide bar may push the guide bar
rapidly back towards the operator.
S Either of these reactions may cause
you to lose control of the saw which
could result in serious injury. Do not
rely exclusively upon safety devices
built into your saw.
The foll ow ing gu ide bar and chai n com-
binati ons meet k ickback requirements of
CSA Z62.1 & Z62.3 and ANSI B175.1
when used on saws list ed in thi s manual.
Use of bar and chai n combinat ions other
than t hose li st ed is not recommended and
may not meet the CKA requirements per