Keep the extension cord clear ofoper-
ator and obstacles atal l times. Do not
expose cords to heat, oil, water, or
sharp edges.
Avoid any body c ontact wit h any
grounded conductor, such as metal
fe n ce s, or pipes , to avoid th e possibilit y
of electric shock. Don’t handle plug or
unit with w e t hands .
Do notuse with dam aged cordor plug.If
unitis notworking asit should, hasbeen
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or
dropped into water , r etur n it to your au-
thorized service dealer for repair .
Ground Fault Circuit Int err upter (GFCI)
protection should be pr ovided on t he c ir-
cuitoroutletto be use dforthis unit. Re-
ceptacles are available having built-in
GFCI protection and may be used for
this measure of safety.
Keep others including children, animals,
bystanders, and helpers a minimum of
30 feet ( 10 met ers) away. Stop the mo-
tor immediately if you are approached.
Do not allow the unit t o be used as atoy.
This unit is double insulated to help
protect against electric shock. Double
insulation construction consists of two
separate “layers” of electrical insula-
tion instead of grounding.
Tools and appliances built with a
double insulation system are not in-
tended to be grounded. No grounding
means is provided on this unit, nor
should a means of grounding be add-
ed to this unit. As a result, the exten-
sion cord used with your unit can be
plugged into any standard 120 volt
electrical outlet. Safety precautions
must be observed when operating any
electrical tool. The double insulation
system only provides added protection
against injury resulting from an internal
electrical insulation failure.
All electrical repairs to
this unit, including housing, switch, motor,
etc., must be diagnosed and repaired by
qualified service per sonnel. Replacement
parts for a double insulated appliance
mustbe identical to the par t s they r eplace.
A double insulated appliance is m arked
with the words “double insulation” or
“double insulated”. The s ymbol
(square within a square) may also be
m ark ed on the applianc e. Fa ilur e to ha v e
the unit repaired by Sears service person-
nel can cause the double insulation con-
struction to become inef fective and result
in serious injury.
Turn off all controls and allow t h e motor
to stop before disconnecting t he unit
from t he power source.
Disconnect the unit f r om t he power
source when not in use. Do not leave
the unit when it is plugged into outlet.
Do not set the unit on any surface ex-
cept a clean, hard ar ea while the unit is
running. Debris suc h as gravel, sand,
dust, gr ass, etc., could be picked up by
the a ir intakeand thrown outthroughthe
discharge opening, damaging the unit,
propert y,or causing serious injury t o by-
standers or operator.
Do not overreach or use f rom unstable
surfaces such as ladders, trees, st eep
slopes, rooft ops, etc. Use ext ra care
when cleaning on stairways. Keep firm
footing and balance at all t imes. Keep
hands out of tubes.
Inspect the entire unit before each use
for worn, loose, missing, or damaged
parts. Do not use until t he unit is in
proper working order .
Disconnect unit from power source be-
fore ser vicing, cleaning, perfor ming
maintenance, or storing.
This unit is double insulated. See the
section. H ave all internal service per-
form ed by qualified s ervice r epair per-
sonnel to avoid creating a hazard or
voiding your warranty.
Have all maintenance other than the
recommended procedures described in
the instruction manual perf orm ed by
your authorized service dealer .
Always see your authorized service
dealer t o replace a damaged impeller .
Partsthat are c hipped, cracked, br oken,
or dam aged in any other w ay can f ly
apart andcause serious injury. Replace
damaged parts before using the unit.
Never place any object in the air intake
opening as this could restrict proper air
flow and cause damage to the unit.
Never douse the unit with water or other
liquids or squirtwith a water hose.Clean
with a damp sponge and mild soap.
Check air intake openings and tubes
frequently, always with the unit st opped
and power source disconnected. Keep
vents andtubes fr ee ofdebris whichcan
accumulate and restrict proper air flow.
Do not burn, incinerate, or expose this
unit to extreme heat.
Store the unit unplugged in a high, cool,
dry, indoor area out of the reach of chil-