Blade Switch
Service Meter
The service meter displays the total number of hours the
engine has run and indicates when the engine and mower
need servicing.
After every 50 hours of operation, an oil can icon will appear
and stay on for two hours, before an automatic reset occurs.
To manually reset the meter, turn the key off and on five times
at one second intervals. To service the engine and mower, see
the Service Journal of this manual.
Note: The service meter operates (clocks hours) only when the
engine is running. Be sure to turn the key off when the unit is
not in use, to prevent meter hours from accumulating.
To engage the mower deck blades, pull the knob up; the
mower blades are disengaged when the knob is pushed down.
Ignition Switch
The ignition switch is placed on the control panel and is
used to start and stop the engine. On models equipped
with headlights, turn the key clockwise to ACCESSORY for
headlight use
Choke Control
The choke control is used for cold starts to provide the engine
with a richer fuel mixture.
For cold starts the control should be pulled up.
Fuses are located on the left hand side of the machine and are
accessed by tilting the seat forward. Fuses are flat pin fuses
type as used in automobiles. The 20 A is the primary fuse. The
7.5 A is for the mower deck coupling.