results, never skip more than one grit grade
when progressing through a sanding sequence.
For fine work, such as furniture, try not to skip
any grit grades during the sanding process. In
general, premium quality abrasives will produce
a better finish with a less noticeable scratch
Grits that are too fine can
sometimes burnish the wood and leave a
glossy surface which will not accept stains
This will vary by type of wood. Oak, for example,
is susceptible to burnishing because of its open
Cleaning abrasive strips. Regularly clean the
abrasive strips on the drums with commercially
available cleaning sticks, following the
manufacturer’s directions. When cleaning, also
brush the stick crumbs from the drum while it is
still rotating. CAUTION: Wear tight fitting
clothes and eye protection during this
procedure; stay alert to prevent injury. Cloth
backed abrasives can be cleaned by soaking in
paint thinner or mineral spirits for 20 minutes to
1 hour, then using a brush to remove any build-
up or burns. Dry the abrasive strips completely
before reuse.
Extending Abrasive Life. Abrasive life can also
be increased by removing the abrasive strip
from the drum and reversing it. To do this,
remove the strip and use what was the trailing
end as the starting end on the right side of the
drum. Reversing the strip will provide a fresh set
of cutting edges on the abrasive.