23. Use the right tool at the correct speed and feed rate. Do not force a tool or attachment to do a job for
which it was not designed. The right tool will do the job better and safer.
24. Use recommended accessories; improper accessories may be hazardous.
25. Maintain tools with care. Keep knives sharp and clean for the best and safest performance. Follow
instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.
26. Turn off the machine before cleaning. Use a brush or compressed air to remove chips or debris —
do not use your hands.
27. Do not stand on the machine. Serious injury could occur if the machine tips over.
28. Never leave the machine running unattended. Turn the power off and do not leave the machine until
it comes to a complete stop.
29. Remove loose items and unnecessary work pieces from the area before starting the machine.
30. When working a piece of wood on the jointer, follow the 3-inch rule: The hands must never be closer
than 3 inches to the cutterhead at any time.
31. Always use a hold-down or push block when surfacing stock.
32. Do not joint material shorter than 8 “, narrower than 3/4” or less than 1/4” thick.
33. Do not make cuts deeper than 3/4” when rabbeting. On other cuts such as edging, surfacing, etc.,
depth of cut should not be over 1/16” to avoid overloading the machine and to minimize chance of
34. Never apply pressure to stock directly over the cutterhead. This may result in the stock tipping into
the cutterhead along with the operator’s fingers. Never back the workpiece toward the infeed table.
Familiarize yourself with the following safety notices used in this manual:
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in minor injury and/or
possible machine damage.
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in serious injury or possibly
even death.