Creating Discs 27
The Scheduled Projects window will appear. Check the box
next to the backup project you would like to run. Click Run
Now to run it for the first time now. Otherwise, the backup
project will proceed at the scheduled time.
You must keep the PTPublisher software open, the Disc
Publisher turned on and the discs loaded for the automatic
scheduled backup to occur. If you would rather not do this
you may also check None on the Schedule window to run
the backup project when you choose. This will add the
backup project to the Scheduled Projects list and allow you
to run it whenever you click the Run Now button.
You can access the Scheduled Projects list at any time
by choosing Advanced Project from the project starter
window. Choose Backup Project from the sub menu.
Here you can view all scheduled projects, edit the project or
change the frequency or time of the automatic backup.
Note: All backup runs are full backups. PTPublisher does not do incremental
or differential backups by searching for new or changed data.
B.6 Rip Audio CD (PC Disc Publishers Only)
This project allows you to rip music to your hard drive in MP3
or other formats using iTunes
or Windows Media Player.
1. To rip an Audio CD to your iTunes database or Windows
Media Player database choose Advanced Projects - Rip
2. Choose whether to rip to iTunes or Media Player.
3. Load the Audio CD in the right bin of the Disc Publisher.
4. Click Go to start ripping CDs. Follow any onscreen
prompts regarding settings that must be set before you
Note: The actual ripping process is completed by iTunes or Media Player.
Please set all settings regarding the rip format (mp3, wav, wma, etc.),
rip location, rip quality (kpbs), etc. in Media Player or iTunes.
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