1 . Insert the CD-ROM in your PC.(If auto run is disabled on your
PC, open Windows Explorer and click the CD icon.)
2. The driver set -up instructions will auto-run on the PC.
3. Follow the instructions on the PC and install the
“Microsoft®. NET Framework” (if you do not have the
Microsoft. NET Framework installed on your PC)
4. Install the “CD/DVD Application”.
Note: Depending on your PC configuration, the display screen
may not be the same as shown on the picture below.
1 . The InstallShield Wizard will guide you through the program setup.
2 . InstallShield® will search for the Microsoft. NET Framework. If
it is not found, the Microsoft. NET Framework License Agreement
will appear.
Note: Read all the terms and conditions of the License Agreement.
Click “I agree” & “Install” to begin the installation