Epson FX Emulation
Select International Character Set ESC R n
Selects the international character set as specified by the value of n in the following table. Overrides
the “Language” value in the forms menu.
Character Set
0 United States of America
1 France
2 Germany
3 United Kingdom
4 Denmark
5 Sweden
6 Italy
7 Spain
8 Japan
The actual character substitutions are shown in the “International Character Mapping” table below.
For this to work correctly, an Epson FX font must be selected (see ESC k).
35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125 126
USA # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { _ } ˜
France # $ à ° ç § ^ ` é ù è ¨
Germany # $ § Ä Ö Ü ^ ` ä ö ü ß
England £ $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { _ } ˜
Denmark # $ @ Æ Ø Å ^ ` æ ø å ˜
Sweden # ¤ É Ä Ö Å Ü é ä ö å ü
Italy # $ @ ° \ é ^ ù à ò è ì
Spain PTS $ @ ¡ Ñ ¿ ^ ` ¨ ñ } ˜
Japan # $ @ [ ¥ ] ^ ` { _ } ˜
Example: The following escape sequence will select the German character set.
Escape Sequence: ESC R 2
Hexadecimal: 1B 52 02
Character Table ESC t n
Selects the Epson italic character set for n=0 or the Epson extended graphics character set for n=1. As
implemented, this selects either the Epson FX font or the PC USA font. The character attribute (fast
draft, draft, or letter quality) will not change.
Example: The following escape sequence will select the Epson FX font.
Escape Sequence: ESC t 0
Hexadecimal: 1B 74 30
Enable Printing of High Symbols ESC 6
Enables printing of character values 128 through 159 decimal. If printing is not enabled, these
characters will be treated as control codes. Overrides the “Characters” value in the interface setup