Epson FX Emulation
Page 3-9
Select Italic Mode ESC 4
Selects italic mode. This causes italic characters to be printed by setting the MSB
(most significant bit) of all following printable characters to one. The effect is to map
characters from the bottom half (non-italic) of the font to the top half (italic) of the
font. For this to work correctly, an Epson FX font must be selected (see ESC k). The
other available fonts do not include italic characters.
Escape Sequence: ESC 4
Hexadecimal: 1B 34
Cancel Italic Mode ESC 5
Cancels italic mode. The MSB (most significant bit) of the following printable
characters will be accepted as is. Italic characters may still be printed by transmitting
characters with the MSB turned on.
Escape Sequence: ESC 5
Hexadecimal: 1B 35
Master Print Mode Select ESC ! n
Selects any valid combination of modes from the following table. The value of n is
determined by adding together the values of the desired modes from the table.
n Attribute
0 10 cpi
1 12 cpi
4 Condensed
8 Emphasized
16 Double-Strike
32 Double-Wide
64 Italic
128 Underline
Example: The following escape sequence will select 12 cpi condensed, resulting in
20 cpi character spacing.
Escape Sequence: ESC ! 5
Hexadecimal: 1B 21 05
Example: The following escape sequence will select emphasized, double-wide, and
underline, for a heading that really stands out.
Escape Sequence: ESC ! 168
Hexadecimal: 1B 21 A8