Chapter 2 Configuration Tools
FTP can also be used to configure print server settings remotely. A
TCP/IP host uses FTP to store a file containing 1 or more NPSH
commands on the FTP file system. The configuration file must be
FTP ‘put’ to the /config/default/defaultCfg file. The configuration file
can later be executed on demand using the ‘load oem’ command
during a telnet (NPSH) session. The configuration file is also
executed automatically during the power-up sequence when DIP
switch 1 is closed.
The PTX_SETUP command can also be used to configure NIC
settings through a printer data port (serial, parallel, etc.). This is
done by creating a text file containing the PTX_SETUP command
and NIC internal command shell (npsh) commands. The text file is
then sent to the printer through a data port to perform the NIC
configuration. The following is an example of a PTX_SETUP file
that can be used to configure the NIC:
store net 1 addr
store ifc 2 wlan ssid “SomeLongString”
store ifc 2 wlan defkey 2