
TIME/PACE displayÑ
This display shows the
elapsed time and your
current pace (pace is
measured in minutes per
mile). The display will
change from one number to the other every seven
seconds. The PACE indicator will light when your
current pace is shown. Note: When a preset program
or a custom program is selected, the display will
show the time remaining in the program and your
current pace.
displayÑThis display
shows the speed of the
walking belt and the
incline level of the tread-
mill. The display will
change from one number to the other every seven
seconds. The INCL. indicator will light when the
incline level is shown.
Note: The console can measure speed in either
miles per hour or kilometers per hour. To check the
unit of measurement, first hold down the STOP/
PAUSE button while
inserting the key into the
console. Continue
holding the STOP/
PAUSE button for a
moment. An ÒEÓ (for
english miles) or an
ÒMÓ (for metric kilome-
ters) will appear in the
PULSE display. To change the unit of measure-
ment, press the SPEED button. Remove and
then reinsert the key.
PULSE displayÑWhen
the chest pulse sensor is
worn, this display shows
three numbers: the
approximate number of
calories you have burned, the number of fat calories
you have burned, and your heart rate. The display
will change from one number to the next every
seven seconds. When the number of fat calories is
shown, the ÒfatÓ indicator beside the display will
light; when your heart rate is shown, the heart-
shaped indicator will flash with each heartbeat;
when the number of calories is shown, no indicator
will light. Note: If the chest pulse sensor is not
worn, the display will show only the numbers of
calories and fat calories burned.
displayÑThis display
shows the distance that
you have walked and
the total number of 1/4-
mile laps you have
completed. The display will change from one num-
ber to the other every seven seconds. The LAPS
indicator will light when the number of laps is
shown. Note: If the speed is shown in miles per
hour, the distance will be shown in miles; if the
speed is shown in kilometers per hour, the distance
will be shown in kilometers. (See SPEED/INCLINE
display at the left.)
When you are finished exercising, stop the
walking belt and remove the key.
Step onto the foot rails and press the STOP/PAUSE
button. Next, change the incline of the treadmill
to 1.5%. The incline must be at 1.5% before the
treadmill is folded to the storage position or the
treadmill may be damaged. Remove the key from
the console. Store the key in a secure place. In
addition, press the on/off switch to the ÒoffÓ position.
(See the drawing on page 11.)