
Change the incline of the treadmill as desired.
To change the incline of the treadmill, press the
incline buttons. Each time one of the buttons is
pressed, the incline will change by 0.5%. The but-
tons can be held down to change the incline rapidly.
Note: In the incline display, the first indicator will
light when the incline is set at 1.5%. The second
indicator will light when the incline is set at 2% or
2.5%, the third indicator will light when the incline
is set at 3% or 3.5%, and so forth. After the incline
buttons are pressed, it will take a moment for the
treadmill to reach the selected incline setting.
Follow your progress with the LED track and
the four displays.
The LED Track
The LED track rep-
resents a distance
of 1/4 mile. As you
exercise, the indi-
cators around the
track will light one
at a time until you
have completed 1/4 mile. A new lap will then begin.
Distance/Laps display
This display shows the
distance that you have
walked or run and the
number of laps you have
completed (one lap equals
1/4 mile). The display will alternate
between one number and the other every seven
seconds, as shown by the arrows in the display.
Time/Pace display—This
display shows the elapsed
time and your current pace
(pace is measured in min-
utes per mile). Your pace
will be shown for a few
seconds each time the speed is adjusted.
Speed display—This
display shows the speed
of the walking belt, in
miles per hour or kilome-
ters per hour. The letters
“MPH” or “KPH” will ap-
pear to show which unit of measurement is selected.
To change the unit of
measurement, hold down
the Stop/Reset button
while inserting the key
into the console. An “E,”
for english miles, or an
“M,” for metric kilometers, will appear in the
Distance/Laps display. Press the Speed
to change the unit of measurement. Remove and
then reinsert the key.
Cals/Fat Cals/Pulse dis-
play—This display
shows the approximate
numbers of calories and
fat calories you have
burned (see FAT BURN-
ING on page 14). Every seven seconds, the dis-
play will change from one number to the other, as
shown by the arrows in the display. This display
will also show your heart rate when the pulse sen-
sor is used (see step 5).
Measure your pulse, if desired.
Stand on the
foot rails and
place your
hands on the
metal contacts
on the handrail.
Your palms
must be resting
on the upper
contacts, and
your fingers must
be touching the
lower contacts—
avoid moving
your hands. When your heart rate is detected, the
heart-shaped indicator in the Cals/Fat Cals/Pulse
display will flash steadily and a “P” will appear in
the display. After a few seconds, three dashes will
appear in the display and your heart rate will be
shown. For the most accurate heart rate reading,
continue to hold the contacts for about 15 sec-
Try the sensor several times until you become
familiar with it. Remember to stand still while mea-
suring your pulse.
Metal Contacts