1. Insert the key into the console.
2. Select the settings mode.
To select the settings mode, press the iFit
Competition Training button. Highlight the SET-
TINGS option and press the Enter button.
Note: To exit the settings mode at any time, press
the Back button repeatedly until the manual mode is
selected (see step 3 on page 14).
3. Enter user information.
The screen will
display user
name and user
weight. To
change user in-
press the navigation buttons until an arrow appears
next to the desired information. Then, press the
Enter button. A flashing cursor will appear in a field
in the display. To enter a number or letter above
the cursor, press the navigation buttons. When you
have finished entering the desired numbers or let-
ters in the field, press the Enter button. Repeat this
action to change all desired fields. When you have
finished changing the fields, press the Enter button
until the flashing cursor disappears.
4. Enter race settings.
The menu will also show the maximum incline, in-
cline mode, and start speed for the competition
workout. If you change the maximum incline set-
ting, the intensity of the entire workout will change.
Choose the AUTO incline mode to use preset in-
line settings, the FLAT incline mode to use no in-
cline settings, or the CHOICE incline mode to
hoose a profile of the incline settings at the begin-
ning of a competition workout. If you change the
start speed, the walking belt will begin moving at
the selected speed whenever a competition work-
out begins.
5. Set the date and time.
Setting the date and time will allow the console to
record your workout history accurately in the fit-
ness journal.
To set the date and time, first move the arrow to
the DATE / TIME option and press the Enter but-
ton. The date and time settings will then appear in
the display.
Press the navigation buttons to move the cursor to
the field you wish to change and press the Enter
button. To enter a number or letter above the cur-
sor, press the navigation buttons. When you have
finished entering the desired numbers or letters in
the field, press the Enter button. Repeat this action
to change all the desired fields. Press the Back
button to return to the settings mode.
6. Exit the settings mode.
When you are done changing the settings, highlight
the EXIT SETTINGS option and press the Enter