Trouble Shooting
7.3 Dryer ventilation is too weak
• If the ventilation is connected incorrectly, it runs very slowly (heating element
in the air channel starts to glow).
Dryer ventilation connection:
7.4 Dryer temperature cannot be reached
• Check temperature sensor: Measure voltage at X24 on the power PCB
between pin 3 (green) and pin 2 (brown). The value should read 0.32 V at a
temperature of 32 °C.
• Only cold air flows from air channel: Heating element in air channel is defec-
tive. Disconnect X12 clip on the power PCB and measure resistance of heat-
ing element (approx. 26 Ω).
• Enter dryer temperature of 70 °C. Check voltage of X12 on power PCB. If no
voltage can be registered - exchange control unit.
7.5 Dryer temperature display exceeds the set value
• Check temperature sensor: Measure voltage at X24 on the power PCB
between pin 3 (green) and pin 2 (brown). The value should read 0.32 V at a
temperature of 32 °C.
• Enter dryer temperature of 35 °C. Check voltage of X12 on power PCB. If no
voltage can be registered - exchange control unit.
7.6 Dryer temperature cannot be reached or is too high
(display shows values approx. 30 °C and 75 °C)
• Check temperature sensor. Sensor is either not connected or defective.
8 Water
8.1 Rinsing water does not flow, ventilation runs
• Water pressure in the water system is too low: Minimum pressure 2 bar
(29 psi).
• Valve activates, no flow passage - filter at inflow is blocked.
• Check solenoid valve.
8.2 Water tank overflows
• Water drainage hose (overflow) should have a constant fall. The hose end
should be positioned above the drainage level in the syphon.›‹›
• Check water drainage in the tank and hose for blockage and pollution.
• When extreme algae growth is noticed, the overflow can be connected
directly at the back of the water tank.
X9 L black
X9 Z brown
X10 N blue
X10 PE yellow / green