2 Magellan
Weighing Items
The L-shaped All-Weighs™ platter
allows you to place items anywhere
on its surface, including leaning
against its vertical section, to be
weighed accurately.
Once weighed items are in place, enter
PLU (price Look-Up) data as
described in your POS system instruc-
tions. Item weight is displayed on the Remote Display and/or the host display.
Any-WeighsTM Lift Bar—Additionally, your scanner may be equipped with the
optional Any-Weighs
produce lift bar. In applications where there is a check-
stand or keyboard over the vertical window of the All-Weighs platter, it pro-
vides an alternative weighing solution, allowing over-sized items to be lifted
off the counter for increased weighing accuracy. The Any-Weighs produce lift
bar also helps stabilize round produce items and prevents them from rolling off
the scale when weighin. Simply raise the bar to its upright position when
needed and lower it back into the scan platter when no longer needed to main-
tain a smooth scan path.
Controls and Indicators
The control panel consists of two
indicator LEDs and two push buttons
as described below.
Indicator LEDs
The green LED indicates scanner sta-
tus, and the yellow LED is primarily
used to show scale status as
described in Table 2 below:
Scale Zero Push Button
The Scale Zero Push Button is used for multiple functions (except it has no
function in a “scanner only” model):
Green LED
Yellow LED
Volume/Tone Push Button
Scale Zero Push Button