The Calibration Sequence sets the scale to an accurate reference point for
weighing. This process involves the use of a Field Standard Weight Set
(31.5-pounds) for calibration in pounds, (18.5-kilograms) for Metric.
Once calibration has been successfully completed, the scanner/scale uses
the certified weight as a reference for subsequent weighing activities.
These verification procedures follow the U.S. National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology 44 Handbook guidelines for bench/counter scale
If any of these tests fail to meet the required weight indications, you must
calibrate the scanner/scale. Refer to the calibration procedures in this sec-
tion for the proper procedures.
You may be required by state and/or local regulations to have procedures
other than these performed by a certified technician or verification offi-
Access to the calibration switch should be restricted with a paper or a wire
and lead seal after the calibration has been performed if required by your
local regulatory agency.
The following tools and supplies will be required to perform the calibra-
tion process:
• 31.5 pound Field Standard Weight Set
(English calibration only).
• 18.5 kilogram Field Standard Weight Set
(Metric calibration only).
• Lead/Wire or Paper Seal (as required by law).
The Calibration Sequence must be performed without removing the scanner/
scale from its installed position.
1. NOTE: Throughout the calibration procedures, specified weights may be achieved by using a
combination of weights from this set. eg. 20 lbs may be made up of one 10.00 lb. weight and two
5.00 lb. weights.
2. NOTE: Throughout the calibration procedures, specific weights may be achieved by using a com-
bination of weights from this set. eg. 10 kgs. may be made up of one 5.00 kg. and five 1.00 kg.