Transferring Data With PSC Utilities
78 PT2000 & Top Gun PDTs
Setting Command Line Options
Change settings for the Portable File Transfer program before starting
the program by entering options for the command that starts it. Type
the options using the following syntax:
ptfer filename [-¦/][Pn][Bn][Dn][action]
filename = the name of the file to transfer (include the extension)
Pn = the number of the COM port to be used (1, 2, 3, or 4; the
default setting is
Bn = the baud rate to use (the default setting is B9600)
Dn = the timeout period, in seconds (the default is 30 seconds on
receive and 1 second on transmit)
action = A to receive data and append it to the existing file
C to connect automatically when transmitting or receiving
E to echo the display to the screen
H to display on screen help
M to maximize the PTFER window
N to minimize the PTFER window
0n n n to set the size and position of the PTFER window
R to receive data from the portable and replace the existing
file contents
S to display the line count in the title bar
T to transfer data to the portable (the default)
X to exit automatically after data is transmitted or received
Note: In Windows 3.x, the command is in the
Command Line
input box in the application’s
Program Item Properties
window in the Program Manager.
In Windows 95, create a shortcut to the application. (The
Desktop is a good place to put the shortcut.) Find the
command in the
Target input box on the Properties tab of the
Properties window.