R44-1027 55
The Interleaved 2 of 5 symbology has the following programmable
Check Digit — calculate the Check Digit to verify that the
Check Digit contained in the barcode label is correct. If you
enable this feature, your barcodes must contain a Check
You may also choose to transmit or not transmit the Check
Digit independent of whether the Check Digit is calculated by
the scanner. If you choose to Transmit Check Digit, but not
calculate, the scanner sends the Check Digit encoded in the
barcode without verifying its accuracy. If you choose Don't
Transmit Check Digit, the scanner will remove the Check
Digit's contents before sending the barcode data to the host.
Label Format — provides the selection between fixed or
variable length labels. If your application has labels with
specific fixed lengths, we recommend selecting fixed lengths
to improve read rate and avoid short reads.
You can select any valid number of digits for reading specific
length labels only. Read the following details for specific
Interleaved 2 of 5 limits.
Interleaved 2 of 5 Minimum Label Length — set the mini-
mum label length required for I 2/5 labels (not including the
check character). This feature is provided to ignore small
label segments, reducing the possibility that a portion of a
good label is incorrectly seen as an entire label.
Variable Length — If you select variable length, the scanner
will recognize labels with an even number of digits between
04 and 50 digits.
Fixed Length — If you select fixed length, there are three labels
for programming your scanner to read either one or two
fixed lengths. The labels are:
• Set First Fixed Length — use this label to instruct the scanner
that the next two programming labels you scan will define the
first fixed label length. This setting can be any even number of
digits between 04 and 50 digits.