II-8 Answer an IncomingCall
II-9 TransferCallsbetweenthis Hands-freeCarKitand your Phone
1 From Phoneto theCarKit
2 FromCar Kittothe Phone
II-10 MakeaNewCall byUsingVoiceDialing
1 When usinga Mobile Phone:
2 When using a mobile phone without built-in and requiring a
When anincoming callis present,the hands-free CarKit willring. Press “On/ Off” keyand you
can answer the call. The blue LED will continue to flash once a second while the call is in
When you are in session, calls can be transferred from your Phone to the hands-free
CarKit andviceversa.
Press“On /Off”keyonce, thecallwill betransferredtothe CarKit.
Pleasefollow theoperationmanualof yourphone.
1.1 Press “On/Off ”keyon thehands-freeCar Kitshortly whentheCar Kitisstandby.
1.2 Put throughthecall
After the beep tone on the hands-free Car Kit, you can make a voice dial by saying the
name of the person on the hands-free Car Kit. The call will be connected in a few
2.1 Press “On/Off ”keyon thehands-freeCar Kitshortly whentheCar Kitis standby.
2.2 Putthrough thecall
After thebeep tone onthe hands-free Car Kit,you canmake avoice dial and thecall will
be connectedin afew seconds.
Bluetooth Bluetooth
Note: Make surethat thevoicedialing function isproperly setup in themobile phoneand
itis withinthe rangeofthe hands-freeCarKit.
Note: Makesure thatthevoice dialingfunction isproperlyset upin theMobilephone and
itis withinthe rangeofthe hands-freeCarKit.