Logging Facility
The logging facility provides you with a mechanism for generating and capturing messages generated
by your application. These can be automatically saved to a log file, or intercepted and dealt with in
some other way. The majority of functionality for this feature is provided by the OTC_Logger class
in the OSE C++ class library.
Some of the features of the logging facility are optional and controlled via environment variables. You
should consult the manual page for the OTC_Logger class and the general OSE C++ class library
manual as a number of these features will not be described here or covered only briefly.
Logging a Message
The logging facility provides you with the ability to log a message string with a specified priority or
level assigned to it. The level is analogous to that used by the UNIX function called "syslog()".
Level Usage
LOG_EMERGENCY A panic condition.
LOG_ALERT A condition that should be corrected immediately,
such as a corrupted system database.
LOG_CRITICAL Critical conditions, such as hard device errors.
LOG_WARNING Warning messages.