7–Windows Server 2003, 2008, and 2008 R2 Driver Configuration
Windows Server 2003 Performance
NE0154601-00 B 7-15
For the receive side, the optimal value is 16 for -a and 512,000 for -rb (or
something similar). With these values, a single thread should perform closer to a
multi-thread configuration. From a DOS command prompt, type the following
command. Note that the command must be executed from the same directory in
which the executable files are located.
ntttcpr -m 16,0,<rcv ipaddr> -n <# of tcp segs for snd/rcv> -a 16
For the transmit side, -a should be a value less than eight. The more threads, the
lower the value.
ntttcps and ntttcpr Command Line Options
The ntttcps and ntttcpr command line options are listed in Table 7-2.
The send (transmit) and receive side ntttcp commands must use the
receive side’s IP address.
Table 7-2. ntttcps and ntttcpr Command Line Options
Command Default Notes
-l <length of buffer>
64K —
-n <number of buffers>
20K —
-p <port base>
5001 —
-a <outstanding I/O>
-x <packet array size>
1 —
-rb <receive buffer size>
64K —
-sb <send buffer size>
0 —
— Infinite loop
-f <file name>
output.txt —
— UDP send/receive
— —
— Verify flag
-t <runtime>
— Runtime is in seconds.
— Enable verbose mode.
— Enable IPv6 mode.