3–Quick Start
Linux Driver Installation
NE0154601-00 C 3-5
2. Type the following command to install the RPM source:
rpm -iv nx_nic-[version].src.rpm
3. Type the following command to build the binary RPM:
rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/nx_nic-[version].spec
4. Type the following command to install the binary RPM:
rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/[arch]/nx_nic-[version].[arch].rpm
The [arch] variable designates the system architecture. Some [arch]
variables are i386, i586, i686, x86_64, depending on the system.
5. Type the following command to install the tools RPM:
rpm -ivh nx_tools-[version].rpm
6. Type the following command to load the driver:
modprobe -v nx_nic
To install the driver on a SUSE system:
1. Type the following command to extract the driver:
tar -zxvf qle30xx_qle31xx-src-[version].tar.gz
2. Type the following command to install the RPM source:
rpm -iv nx_nic-[version].src.rpm
3. Type the following command to build the binary RPM:
rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/packages/SPECS/nx_nic-[version].spec
4. Type the following command to install the binary RPM:
rpm -ivh /usr/src/packages/RPMS/[arch]2/nx_nic-[version].[arch].rpm
The [arch] variable designates the system architecture. Some [arch]
variables are i386, i586, i686, x86_64, depending on the system.
5. Type the following command to install the tools RPM:
rpm -ivh nx_tools-[version].rpm
6. Type the following commands to load the driver:
modprobe firmware_class
modprobe -v nx_nic