13 – Command Reference
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59183-01 A 13-119
Temp Temperature in degrees Celsius.
Voltage Supply voltage in Volts. The range is 0–6.55.
Tx Bias Transmitter laster bias current in milliamps. The range is
Tx Power Transmitter coupled output power in milliWatts. The range is
Rx Power Received optical power in milliWatts. The range is 0–6.55.
Value Measured value.
Status State associated with the measured value:
Normal: Value is in the normal operating range.
HighAlarm: Value exceeds the high alarm threshold.
HighWarning: Value exceeds the high warning threshold.
LowWarning: Value is less than the low warning threshold.
LowAlarm: Value is less than the low alarm threshold.
HighAlarm Vendor specified threshold above which an alarm is issued.
HighWarning Vendor specified threshold above which a warning is issued.
LowWarning Vendor specified threshold below which a warning is issued.
LowAlarm Vendor specified threshold below which an alarm is issued.
Table 13-25. Transceiver Information (Continued)
Information Type Description