Error Code Blink Patterns
4-4 59229-05 A
Configuration File System Error Blink Pattern
A configuration file system error blink pattern is 4 blinks followed by a two second
pause and appears only on the CPU Heartbeat LED. The 4-blink error pattern
indicates that a configuration file system error has occurred, and that the
configuration file must be restored.
To restore the switch configuration, do the following:
1. Establish a Telnet session with the switch using the default IP address
telnet switchname
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the switch IP address and switchname is the switch
name associated with the IP address.
2. A Telnet window opens prompting you for a login. Enter an account name
and password. The default account name and password are (admin,
3. Open an admin session to acquire the necessary authority.
SANbox $>admin start
4. Restore the configuration. When the restore is complete, the switch will
SANbox (admin) $>config restore
If a configuration does not exist, enter the Config Backup command, then
enter the Config Restore command.
a. Establish communications with the switch using Telnet. Enter one of
the following on the command line:
telnet switchname
where switchname is the switch name associated with the IP address.
b. A Telnet window opens prompting you for a login. Enter an account
name and password. The default account name and password are
(admin, password).