5 – Software Installation
Installing the InfiniPath and OpenFabrics RPMs
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Using rpm to Install InfiniPath and OpenFabrics
The RPMs need to be available on each node on which they will be used. One
way to do this is to copy the RPMs to a directory on each node that will need
them. Another way is to put the RPMs in a directory that is accessible (e.g., via
Network File System (NFS)) to every node. After making sure the RPMs are
available on each node, login as root and, for the
InfiniPath and
InfiniPath-MPI RPMs, run the command:
# rpm -Uvh InfiniPath/*.rpm InfiniPath-MPI/*.rpm \
The output during the install process will be similar to the following. It will vary
depending on which kernel you are using:
########################################### [100%]
########################################### [100%]
Building and installing InfiniPath modules for 2.6.22_FC6 kernel...
Check that all older stock OFED RPMs have been uninstalled (“Uninstalling
OFED 1.3 Software” on page 5-33), then, for the OpenFabrics RPMs (including
VNIC), run the command:
# rpm -Uvh OpenFabrics/*.rpm OpenFabrics-Devel/*.rpm
Install the OpenSM RPM only if you do not plan to use a switch-based or
host-based SM. The
OpenSM RPM is normally installed on the node where it will
be used. If installed, it is on by default. This behavior can be modified. See
“OpenSM” on page 5-23 for more information.
# rpm -Uvh OpenSM/*.rpm
The opensm-devel RPM is located with the other OpenFabrics-Devel RPMs.
If you want to use other MPIs, run the command:
# rpm -Uvh InfiniPath/*.rpm InfiniPath-MPI/*.rpm \
InfiniPath-Devel/*.rpm OpenFabrics/*.rpm OpenFabrics-Devel/*.rpm \
If you want to use other HCAs, run the command:
# rpm -Uvh OpenFabrics/*.rpm OpenFabrics-Devel/*.rpm \
OtherHCAs/*.rpm OtherHCAs-Devel/*.rpm