SCSI Description
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives 5–75
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–36 Caching Page — Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Value Description
Minimum Pre-fetch 0 This field indicates the number of sectors that are to be pre-fetched.
See also MF.
Maximum Pre-fetch 0421h This field indicates the maximum amount of data to pre-fetch into
the cache as a result of one READ command. Not supported by
the drive.
Maximum Pre-fetch 0421h Specifies an upper limit on the number of logical blocks
Ceiling computed as the maximum pre-fetch. If this number of sectors is
greater than the maximum pre-fetch, then the number of logical
blocks to pre-fetch is reduced to the value stored in the maximum
pre-fetch ceiling field. Not supported by the drive.
FSW 0 The Force Sequential Write bit. Not supported by the drive.
LBCSS 0 The Logical Block Cache Segment Size bit. Not supported by the
DRA 0 The Disable Read-Ahead bit. Not supported by the drive.
VS The Vendor-Specific bits. Not supported by the drive.
Number of Cache 27 Ignored by the drive.
Cache Segment Size 0 Not supported by the drive.
Non-Cache Segment 0 Not supported by the drive.
NOTE: Fully supported fields are underlined. Unsupported and ignored fields are not underlined.
The PS bit is underlined, meaning it will be set on a MODE SENSE command, since the
page is savable.