Owner’s Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Document number: QDC0030PD-11 Page 35 of 40
A.8: Signs Of Correct Charge
During normal operation with the correct amount of refrigerant gas, the sight glass should show clear liquid. A very few small bubbles may be
present when the system is started or when the TX valve opens quickly. But it should return to clear liquid shortly after. Current draw and delivery
pressure will be within the nominal range and temperatures should be consistent with gas properties. Correct amount of charge is listed in the Table
A.9: Signs Of Undercharge
When bubbles through the sight glass persist for a significant time or repeat frequently then it is a sign of refrigerant undercharge. This can be
confirmed by a low current draw together with low pressures. Note that unusual current draw could also be a sign of other defects in the system. If
the sight glass shows clear gas (not liquid), current draw is too low and discharge gas is not hot or suction pressure too low then the system is nearly
or totally empty.
Note that low suction pressure could also indicate a blockage in low-pressure side or a closed TX valve.
A.10: Signs Of Overcharge
Continuous liquid through sight glass: Assuming TX valve is functioning normally, evaporator tends to flood, head pressure tends to be high,
current draw is high and compressor is noisy.