Owner’s Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Document number: QDC0030PD-11 Page 22 of 40
8a: Items Not Covered By Warranty
Service calls due to:
Dirty Filters.
Blown Fuses
Incorrect Operation.
Tripped Circuit Breakers.
Main Isolator Switched Off.
Blocked Drains (Evaporator or PTR Valve).
Failure to start due to voltage conditions or other damage due to inadequacy or interruption of
electrical service.
Damage caused by accident, misapplication and abuse or tampering.
Damage caused by use in a corrosive atmosphere (e.g. such as coastal regions).
Filter cleaning and / or replacement, unless defective.
Cleaning / maintenance of the water heater unit.
Calls made to check the operation of a unit, which is found to be working satisfactorily.
Remounting or relocating equipment due to ground subsidence.
Modifications to system after installation due to changes in requirements.
Relocation of equipment due to complaints of noise level or inappropriate location.
No responsibility shall be accepted for damage to the system or property, if it is found that
continued use of a faulty system has occurred.
No responsibility shall be accepted for delays due to: -
Unavailability of parts from suppliers.
Extreme delays due to unusually high demand for service.
8b: Before Phoning For Service
Please check the following: -
Have all the above mentioned items been checked and adhered to?
Have you checked through all items in Sections 6 & 7 of this manual?
Has the main isolation switch / circuit breaker / hot water switch been turned on?
Have any fuses in the switchboard blown?
Is the filter clean?
Warranty shall be carried out during normal business hours 08:00 hours (08:00 AM) to 16:30
hours (04:30 PM) Monday to Friday. Warranty covers travel within a 50-klm distance from the
place of purchase, distributor or service agent’s premises. Any additional travel costs are at the
expense of the customer.