390 StorNext User’s Guide
Graphical User Interface.
Managed Directory
A directory that has a policy class
Managed File System A file system that enables automatic data
movement managed by StorNext Storage Manager
between the primary disk and secondary storage (either
disk or tape).
MediaClass A grouping of media used for storing or retrieving
Media Storage Manager (MSM) The Media Storage Manager is
responsible for controlling media and archives.
Metadata Server The system hosting the SNFS and SNSM server
installation and processes.
A set of rules and criteria set up by SNSM that
control the movement of data between primary disk to
secondary storage (either disk or tape).
Quantum Technical Assistance Center
The Quantum customer
help desk.
Quota This variable enables or disables the enforcement of the
file system quotas.
The process of bringing back to disk a managed file that
was previously removed from the disk. This can only be
done if the file had been successfully stored to media.
Also, the file cannot not exist in the Trash can. (See
Undelete) File recovery can be done regardless of
whether the Trash can is enabled, up until the time the
containing media is cleaned.
Relation Point/Relations A mapping of a policy class to a
directory in a managed file system.
Relocation The process of moving a file from one affinity on a
file system to another affinity on that file system.
Restore The process of replacing a file system's contents after
some sort of disaster. Also known as disaster recovery.