Litestream XF www.pridemobility.com 17
Figure 9. Folding the Litestream XF
Figure 10. Lifting Points
NOTE: If your wheelchair is equipped with a depth-
adjustable side frame, height-adjustable armrests,
and waterfall armpads, interference may be encoun-
tered when attempting to fold the wheelchair. It may
be necessary to remove the drive wheels to fold the
Transporting Your Litestream XF
The Litestream XF was designed to be folded and
stored in a secure location, such as the trunk of a car,
during motor vehicle transport, unless it is equipped
with an optional transit securement system. If your
wheelchair is equipped with a transit securement
system, refer to the Transit Securement System
supplement provided with your wheelchair.
To stow the Litestream XF:
1. If your wheelchair is equipped with an HD option,
unlatch the stabilizing bar by pressing and holding
the release mechanism and lifting the stabilizing
bar up and away from the wheelchair. See figure 8.
2. Fold the Litestream XF.
3. With one hand, grab and squeeze together both
back cane handles. See figure 10.
4. With the other hand, grab and squeeze together
both seat base rails.
NOTE: You can also remove the drive wheels to make
the wheelchair more compact. See “Drive Wheel
WARNING! If you remove the drive
wheels, make sure the quick-release
mechanism snaps into place when
reinstalling the wheel. See “Drive
Wheel Adjustments.”
Folding Down the Seatback of your Litestream XF
If your Litestream XF is equipped with fold-forward
back canes, the back canes can be folded down for
easier transport.
To fold down the back canes on the Litestream XF:
1. Remove the drive wheels. See figure 15.
2. Flip up the armrests. If your wheelchair is equipped
with latching armrests, push the armrest latch
toward the front of the armrest to disengage the
armrest. You will hear a click when the armrest is
latched into place. See figure 11.
3. Pull the strap at the rear of the seat base away from
the wheelchair to fold down the seatback. See
figure 12.
Figure 11. Armrest Latch - Latching Armrests