Chapter 6 Running the Demonstration Programs
Running the Demo 4 Program
102 Sun StorEdge™ L25 Tape Library and Sun StorEdge™ L100 Tape Library User’s Guide
Running the Demo 4 Program 6
Demo 4 program causes the robot to pick a randomly selected
cartridge from its magazine slot and place it in another randomly
selected magazine slot.
To run the
Demo 4 program:
1 Verify that at least:
• Two library modules are installed in the stack
• One magazine is installed in each library module
• One cartridge is present
2 Access the Demo Programs screen (see Accessing the Demo
Programs Screen on page 97).
3 Press the Up or Down buttons to select Demo 4.
4 Press Select.
Demo 4 program starts. This program continues until you
press the
Stop button.
5 To stop the program, press Stop.
The GUI displays a status screen listing the demonstration
program number, the number of cycles completed, and the
status of the test: pass or fail.
6 Press Back to return to the Demo Programs screen.
Note: This program is for stacked libraries only.