Quantum™ amps’ inputs feature the
Tube Touch Circuit™. Extraordinarily
saturation-resistant, this circuit makes the
amp remarkably responsive to the players’
Another wonderfully practical feature
is the Tube Growl knob that serves to
dial in sweet-and-soulful sounding
compression and tube saturation effects.
It sweeps smoothly from subtle to strident
– and all points in between.
A breed of EQ otherwise found exclusively
in high-end studio gear, the Pure Parallel
EQ™ dramatically reduces undesirable
lter effects, turning the four-band voicing
section into an awesomely effective sound-
sculpting tool. Tweaked specically for the
bass, it affords easy, intuitive handling and
transcendent audio results.
Functionality of
serial EQs
Functionality of
the parallel EQ
Solid-state power amps
Tube power amps
power amps
characteristics of:
The Preamp Technology
THE Dynavalve
amp Technology
Seasoned players know the deal: 100 tube-
driven watts simply sound louder than
100 solid state-powered watts. The reason
for this is that tube power amps’ complex
dynamic properties enhance audio signals
with transients. These added frequencies
enrich the spectrum, making each note
more concise, more explosive, and louder.
Hence, signal content is decisive in
determining the perceived volume, touch
and response – the very “feel” of an amp.
Though tubes are inuential, tube power
amp circuits have a far more formative
hand in shaping these audio phenomena.
With this fact in mind, the engineers
who masterminded the Quantum™
series created a 21st century original - the
world’s rst tubeless power amps with
totally tube-driven response. A quantum
leap in performance, the patent-applied-
for Dynavalve™ technology delivers
better tone, greater sound pressure and a
mightier punch to satisfy even the most
discerning bass player.