In-Floor Cleaner – the valve switches the water returning to the pool between the in-floor
cleaner and the normal return jets which facilitate efficient surface skimming. The valve will
operate the in-floor cleaner for the first half of each clock hour and then switch to the jets/
skimming for the last half of the hour.
Valve3 Interlock
If “Enabled”, this feature will override the function (timeclock, or in-floor cleaner) selected
above and turn the valve off whenever the filter pump is off or the pool/spa suction/return
valves are set to “spa only” or “spillover” operation. Interlock is not available with solar.
Valve3 Freeze Protection
This function protects the pool and plumbed equipment against freeze damage. If Freeze
Protection is enabled and the AIR temperature falls sensor falls below 38°F, the Aqua Logic
will turn on the valve to allow circulation of the water. IMPORTANT: this only enables
operation of the Valve3 output during freeze--see the “Filter Pump Config.” menu to enable
freeze protection for the main circulation system.
All Timeclocks
Move to previous/next configuration menu item
Toggle between 7-day (default) and Weekend/Weekday time options
This selection affects ALL of the timeclock logic in the Aqua Logic. If “7-day” is selected,
each timeclock will have one set of turn-on/turn-off settings that operate every day of the
week. If “Weekend/Weekdays” option is selected then the user can enter one set of turn-on/
turn-off times for the weekend (fixed as Saturday/Sunday) and another set of turn-on/turn-
off times for weekdays (Monday through Friday).
Time Format
12 hour AM/PM
ºF and PPM
Move to previous/next configuration menu item
Move to previous/next configuration menu item
Toggle between 12 hour AM/PM (default) and 24 hour time format options
Toggle between ºF and PPM (default) and ºC and g/L (Metric) options
Reset Config. to
Default Press +
Initiate reset of all configuration parameters
Move to previous/next configuration menu item (config not reset)
Are you sure?
+ to proceed
Reset all configuration parameters
Move to previous/next configuration menu item (config not reset)
Config. reset
Move to previous/next configuration menu item (config reset)
Use this function to erase all previous system configuration settings and reset all configura-
tion parameters back to the factory default values. This function is NOT reversible--be