Appendix F - Board Layout, Parts List, and Assembly Instructions
2. Parts List for RCA COSMAC VIP CDP18S711
Type Number Qty. Description
Integrated Circuits - Supplied
CDP1802 Ul 1 COSMAC Microprocessor
CDPI 861 U2 1 Video Interface
SN74L00N U3 1 Quad NAND Low Power
SN7474N U4 1 Dual D-Type Flip-Flop
CD4049 U5 1 Hex Inverting Buffer
CD4013 U6 1 Dual D-Type Flip-Flop
CD4011 U7 1 Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
CD4042 U8 1 Quad Clocked "D" Latch
CD4556 U9 1 Dual Binary 1 of 4 Decoder
CDPR566 U10 1 512 x 8-Bit Static ROM (Programmed CDP1832)
CD4051 Ull 1 Binary 1 of 8 Decoder
CD4028 U12 1 BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
CD4515 U13 1 4-Bit Latch/] of 16 Decoder
CA3401 U14 1 Quad Single-Supply Op-Amp
CA555CE U15 1 Timer
2114 or TMS4045 U16-U19 4 1 K x 4-Bit Static RAM
CD4508 U24,U25 2 Dual 4-Bit Latch
CD4050 U26,U27 2 Hex Buffer
Integrated Circuits - Optional
2114 or TMS4045 U20-U23 4 1 K x 4-Bit Static RAM
Capacitors - Supplied
Cl,Cl0 2 4.7 uF 35 V Electrolytic
C2 1 100 uF 16 V Electrolytic
C3 1 0.0047 uF 50 V Poly Film (472)
C4,C5 2 0.47 uF 50 V
C6,C7,C13 3 0.0 1 uF 50 V Poly Film (103)
C8,C12 2 1 uF 50 V Electrolytic
C9 1 22 uF 16 V Electrolytic
C11 1 470 pF 500 V Disc
C14 1 33 pF ± 10% 1 kV
(Continued on next page)