AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual 9
SECTION 13 Analog Control and Operation 127
Mode Description 127
Connector I/O Pin Assignment (Analog Mode) 128
Connecting to a Voltage Source 129
Connecting a Potentiometer 129
Selecting the Potentiometer Value 130
Analog Deadband Adjustment 131
Power-On Safety 132
Under Voltage Safety 132
Data Logging in Analog Mode 132
SECTION 14 Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation 135
Use and benefits of RS232 135
Connector I/O Pin Assignment (RS232 Mode) 136
Cable configuration 137
Extending the RS232 Cable 137
Communication Settings 138
Establishing Manual Communication with a PC 138
RS232 Communication with the Encoder Module 139
Entering RS232 from R/C or Analog mode 140
Data Logging String in R/C or Analog mode 140
RS232 Mode if default 141
Commands Acknowledge and Error Messages 141
Character Echo 141
Command Acknowledgement 141
Command Error 141
Watchdog time-out 141
RS-232 Watchdog 142
Controller Commands and Queries 142
Set Motor Command Value 143
Set Accessory Output 143
Query Power Applied to Motors 143
Query Amps from Battery to each Motor Channel 144
Query Analog Inputs 145
Query Heatsink Temperatures 145
Query Battery Voltages 146
Query Digital Inputs 146
Reset Controller 146
Accessing & Changing Configuration Parameter in Flash 147
Apply Parameter Changes 147
Flash Configuration Parameters List 148
Input Control Mode 149
Motor Control Mode 149
Amps Limit 150