Playing the Keyboard
Using Two Different Sounds for Right And Left
Hands–Split Function
The piano allows you to divide the keyboard into two sections, upper and lower, and to
play two different Tones. Dividing the keyboard is called “Split” and the key where the
keyboard is split is called the “Split Point”.
The Split Point is at “F3” when the power is turned on.
1. Hold down the Tone button for the sound that you want to include
in the split, and press the Metronome [Sound] button.
The indicator on the Tone button you have pressed will flash.
Play the keyboard and hear that two different sounds are played in the upper and lower
The sounds will be assigned to the keyboard as follows:
* Chorus (p. 19) cannot be applied to the tones with Acoustic Bass.
* The pedal will have no effect on what is played in the lower section of the keyboard.
2. To cancel Split, press a Tone button with an indicator that is
The selected tone is effective for the entire keyboard.
Changing the Split Point
When you are using the Split function, you can change the location at which the
keyboard is split (the Split Point).
Hold down the Tone button whose indicator is blinking, and press
the note that you wish to use as the new Split Point.
The Split Point can be set from B1–B6.
The key that serves as the split point is included in the lower section.
The Split Point you set will be retained until the piano is switched off.
Tone button Lower Tone / Upper Tone
Piano 1 Acoustic Bass / Piano 1
Piano 2 Acoustic Bass / Piano 2
Electric Piano 1 Acoustic Bass / Electric Piano 1
Electric Piano 2 Acoustic Bass / Electric Piano 2
Harpsichord Strings / Harpsichord
Vibraphone Acoustic Bass / Vibraphone
Pipe Organ Pipe Organ / Harpsichord
Strings Strings / Piano 1
Reverb Chorus StringsPiano 1 Piano 2 chord
phone Organ
Vibra- Pipe
Piano 1
Piano 2
12 0 16 8
20840 608096
3602 4
Play Rec Demo SongSound On/Off
F 3 (The split point when the power is turned on)
B1 B6