Using the Scheduler
In each record, you can enter a schedule event
description and the time and date that event is
going to occur. When that time arrives, your
organizer can sound a reminder alarm.
To Enter a Schedule Record
1. Press SCHD/ALM until
is on
the screen.
2. Press PROG.
3. Use the number keys to change the date
and time of your Schedule record and then
press ENTER.
To switch between a.m. and p.m., use X(AM/PM).
4. Type the description of your Schedule
Your description can be up to 96 characters.
5. Press ENTER to store it and enable the
Schedule alarm.
The marker appears to indicate that the
Schedule alarm is enabled.
To disable the Schedule alarm, press V( ).
Note: When the Schedule alarm sounds, press
any key to stop it. If no key is pressed the
Schedule alarm will sound for 20 seconds.