
Chapter 2. ICL 13
Example Scripts
The eight example scripts in this section illustrate the rules and principles of ICL. These scripts use every ICL
function with the exception of shift_mode_sm() and the _alt modes. Electronic copies of the example scripts
are in the ICL Example file on your HCK diskette.
Open the Shutter
Single Image
Time Delayed Integration Panorama
Ratio Imaging: 2-Frame Ratio
Ratio Imaging: Multi-Frame Ratio
3-Color Sequence
Intermittent Exposure
High-Speed Spectroscopy
Open the Shutter
This script opens the camera shutter and leaves it open.
Single Image
This script is intended for use on a Kodak 1400 CCD (serial size 1317, parallel size 1035). The script takes one
full-frame image and exits.
shutter_close(); /* good precaution—who knows what state it's in */
clear_parallel(2); /* clear out any residual charge */
clear_serial(2); /* might as well clear this out, too */
shutter_open(); /* START TAKING THE IMAGE... */
expose(200); /* expose for 200 milliseconds */
shutter_close(); /*...DONE TAKING THE IMAGE */
pixel_readout(0,1317,1,1035,1); /* readout the entire CCD */
pixel_display(1317,1035); /* display the entire CCD */
script_end(1); /* leave the CCD in continuous clear mode */