
115OnStar - Telematics
Roadside assistance**
There’s nothing worse than being stranded
on the road with car trouble. No matter what
the problem is (flat tire, out of gas, or engine
trouble), just call OnStar. They will contact
the help you need to get you quickly back on
the road.
Stolen vehicle tracking
OnStar doesn’t just protect you, it protects
your Saab, too. If your vehicle is ever stolen,
just contact OnStar by calling
1-888-4-ONSTAR. They will put you in
touch with the authorities and aid them in
locating your Saab. Ask your insurance car-
rier about possible premium discounts.
Accident Assist™
Accident Assist™ provides step-by-step
guidance about what to do in case of a
crash. Working with leading insurance com-
panies OnStar has developed a ”best prac-
tices” list to assist you through most acci-
dent situations. OnStar Accident Assist™
can make the process of completing a
police report and/or insurance claim less
OnStar Med-Net***
OnStar MED-NET securely stores your per-
sonal medical information (e.g., physician’s
name, emergency contacts, medications,
chronic conditions) and, in an emergency,
can quickly send it to a medical facility. This
important information can help assist with
diagnosis and treatment. ****
**There will be no charge for Roadside Assistance as
long as your vehicle is under warranty.
***Requires activation and additional fee.
****Not available in Canada.
Hands-free communication
Talking to an OnStar advisor is easy and
hands-free. Simply press the OnStar but-
ton, and a small microphone picks up your
voice while the OnStar advisor talks to you
through your stereo speakers. Note: Audio
system must be switched on. You can even
adjust the volume to your liking with the
steering wheel controls or the radio volume
knob. Your hands remain on the steering
wheel, while your eyes remain on the road.
Being safe on the road is important, but
there’s more to life than security. There’s liv-
ing. That’s why we have created the OnStar
Directions and Connections Plan. It gives
you not only the important protections of the
Safe and Sound Plan, but also a whole
range of services which truly change driving
from a chore to a luxury. All new Saab
models come with one full year of the
OnStar Directions and Connections Plan.*
* New retail deliveries only.
The OnStar Premium
Services Plan *
Route support
With OnStar Route Support, an advisor can
help you find your way, no matter how far off
course you are. You can get exact street
directions, or guidance to nearby gas sta-
tions, restaurants, hotels or ATMs.
Ride Assist
If you need a lift, anytime of the day or night,
just call OnStar. They’ll contact transporta-
tion and send it right to you.
Information and Convenience ser-
OnStar advisors have access to over five
million service listings including hotels, res-
taurants, gas stations, dealerships, hospi-
tals, ATMs and airports — more than 250
service categories in all. OnStar advisors
can even assist you with hotel and restau-
rant reservations.
*All Saab models come with a full year of Premium Ser-
vice. New retail deliveries only.