
Engine 13
Cooling system
New coolant
A new "Long-life" coolant is used in all Saab
engines for model year 2002. The new coolant
was actually introduced during late 2001
The coolant that is filled in production does not
require changing throughout the service life of the
car. The fluid is orange in color to distinguish it
from earlier types of coolant that were blue-
Saab Original "Long-life" Coolant must be used in
order to obtain the desired coolant properties.
The normal mixture of 50% coolant still applies.
The earlier blue-green type and the new orange
type will both be available as spare parts.
Technical Data
Saab Original "Long-life" Coolant
Type: Ethylene glycol
Color: Orange
Mixing 50 %
Part Number -200 l (drum) available later
-4 l (can) 02-86-542
Do not top up with the earlier type of coolant
(blue-green), as this will impair the corrosion
protection properties.
The orange coolant will also be discolored by
the blue-green coolant and may appear to be
contaminated with engine oil, etc.
In an emergency, conventional (blue-green)
coolant can be mixed with the "Long-life"
(orange) coolant. However, once the
conventional coolant has been added, the
"Long-life" properties are lost and the coolant
must be changed at normal intervals. For this
reason, care must be taken when topping off a
vehicle with "Long-life" coolant to be sure
contamination does not result. Adding any
conventional coolant (or even using shared
containers) may contaminate the system
enough to affect the "Long-life" properties.