
Sabine Wireless: Application and Troubleshooting Guide 8 of 12
3.5. RF is Strong But There Is No Audio Output
3.5.1. If there is no output with several transmitters, the problem is mostly with the
receiver. If your receiver is showing audio input in the LCD window, check your
output level on the front panel. Current versions of the receiver show the maximum
output level as +10 and mute as ---. Older versions show mute as -00.
3.6. If the system still does not sound good with all of the functions turned off, call Sabine at
386 418 2000.
4. Battery Charging System
4.1. Rechargeable batteries do not obtain their full performance until after about five full
charging cycles. Sabine performs this cycling on batteries before shipping. Your
batteries should deliver about eight hours of continuous service. The manufacturer
states that they are good for about 250 cycles. Replace them when their performance
starts to degrade. Alkaline batteries last on average 10 hours.
4.2. My batteries will not charge. The transmitter display shows only one square flashing
after the power supply is connected. That display indicates the pre-charge testing
of the battery. We do this to make sure we do not attempt to charge a non-
rechargeable battery. This may take a while, so check back after about 25 minutes. If
charging does not begin (indicated by a scrolling battery display on the transmitter),
then call Sabine for technical support.
4.3. My batteries do not last long. Install new batteries. If they are new it will take 4
charging cycles before they reach their full potential. If the batteries get very hot turn off
the unit and immediately take out the batteries. This indicates there is a short in the
transmitter. Call Sabine customer service for assistance.
5. Receiver
5.1. Front Panel Controls do not work. Check to see if the word LOCKED appears in the
LCD Function Display message when you turn a knob or push a button. If so then the
front panel has been locked out. Raise DIP switch 5 and 6 to defeat front panel locks.
See the manual for more details.
Some receivers have a front panel that occasionally locks up when they get hot. The
audio will not be disturbed, but you will not be able to change the settings until after
turning the receiver off and back on. The receiver can still be controlled by a computer
when the front panel is locked. Try spacing the receivers apart or other cooling
methods or return the receiver to Sabine for a free upgrade. Call customer service.
5.2. Hard Reset: Use this only after consulting Sabine customer service. Press the A
channel SELECT (the blue button) and FBX Bypass while powering up the unit.
Warning: This also clears all user-saved presets.