74............ 40 moves in 1 hour 45 min. ............ < 40 in 1:45 >
75............ 35 moves in 1 hour 30 min. ............ < 35 in 1:30 >
76............ 40 moves in 2 hours ....................... < 40 in 2:00 >
77............ 45 moves in 2 hours 30 min............ < 45 in 2:30 >
78............ 50 moves in 2 hours. ...................... < 50 in 2:00 >
79............ 40 moves in 2 hours 30 min............ < 40 in 2:30 >
80............ 40 moves in 3 hours ....................... < 40 in 3:00 >
The Tournament Levels require you to make a certain number of
moves within a specific amount of time. If a player exceeds the
allotted time for a given number of moves, the display will indicate
this, and the game is over.
As described previously in Section 2.5, this computer utilizes a
Self-Rating system whenever you play Tournament Level games.
After a Tournament game has ended and you press NEW GAME
twice to reset the unit, the computer will briefly display your rating
before going on to the new game display. If you miss the rating
display, you can press HINT/INFO five times to see the rating again at
any time. To clear the display, press ‘ (CLEAR).
If you reset the computer for a new game
a Tournament
before the game has actually ended,
the computer will allow
you to dictate the outcome, as follows:
• Display = Rate as draw?.
If you press ENTER, the rating will be displayed.
If you press ˘:
• Display = Rate as win?.
If you press ENTER, the rating will be displayed.
If you press ˘:
• Display = Machine wins?.
If you press ENTER, the rating will be displayed.
If you press ˘:
The display will cycle back to Rate as draw?.
In order to obtain a rating, you
answer one of the above
questions with ENTER. If you
do not
want the game to be rated for
any reason, press ‘ (CLEAR) in answer to any of the above ques-
tions. The computer will confirm by displaying Game not rated.
5.4 Speed Chess Levels
Level Total Time per Game Display
81.............. 5 minutes per game ................... < 5 min/game>
82.............. 7 minutes per game ................... < 7 min/game>
83.............. 10 minutes per game ................... <10 min/game>