Controls and Functions
around the center point that are affected by the MID
CUT & BOOST control) and can be set in a range from
100Hz to 8Khz.
LF (LOW FREQUENCY) 80Hz +/- 15dB shelving
The channel’s LOW frequency response is flat when
the knob is in the “12:00” position. Rotating the
knob towards the right will boost the channel's low
frequency response at 80 Hertz by 15dB, and rotating
it towards the left will cut the frequency by 15dB.
8 - Channel Equalizer - Stereo Channels
The L1200 and L2000 Stereo input channels feature
a 4-band equalizer allowing you to adjust the high,
mid, and low frequencies independently on each
channel. The stereo channel equalizer is laid out like
a mono input on the control panel input strip, but
internally, the equalizer is affecting a stereo signal
path. The channel’s frequency response is flat when
the knobs are in the “12:00” position. Rotating the
knob towards the right will boost the corresponding
frequency band by 15dB, and rotating it towards the
left will cut the frequency by 15dB. The frequency
centers, range of boost or cut, and equalizer type for
each band are as follows:
High: 12kHz +/- 15dB shelving type
High Mid: 3kHz +/- 15dB peaking type
Lo Mid: 500 kHz +/- 15dB peaking type
Low: 80Hz +/- 15dB shelving type
9 - PAN Control
The L1200 and L2000’s PAN control is used to place
or position the mono signal into the stereo main Left
and Right MIX bus. You can create a stereo image by
panning some input signals to the left and others
to the right. The L1200 and L2000’s PAN control is a
Power-Pan circuit, which includes a 3dB dip in the
center position. This is desirable since there’s a 3dB
increase in gain when the mono input signal is heard
in both the Left and Right MIX bus.
10 - MUTE switch
The Mono Input channels feature a large, backlit
MUTE switch allowing you to easily turn that channel
on or off. When MUTE switch is illuminated, the
channel is off. Conversely, when the backlight is off,
the channel is on.
11 - SOLO/PFL (Pre Fader Listen) switch
The Mono Input channel’s PFL, or Pre Fader Listen
switch allows you to listen, or “solo” a channel or
group of channels in the headphones. When the
SOLO/PFL switch is pressed down, either mono PFL
or stereo SOLO is sent to the headphones. To listen
to the PFL, press the Meter Select switch, located
below the VU meter, down to select PFL. To hear the
stereo SOLO, the meter switch must be in the up
12 - 1-2 Group Assign switch
The 1-2 Group assign switch is used to assign the
input channel to the 1-2 Group output bus.
Note: The Group output follows the channel’s PAN
control, so if a channel is panned all the way to the
left it will only feed Group Output 1. Conversely, if a
channel is panned all the way to the right, it will only
feed Group Output 2.
13 – 3-4 Group Assign switch
The 3-4 Group assign switch is used to assign the
input channel to the 3-4 Group output bus.
Note: The Group output follows the channel’s PAN
control so if a channel is panned all the way to the
left, it will only feed Group Output 3. Conversely, if a
channel is panned all the way to the right, it will only
feed Group Output 4.
14 –MAIN Assign switch
The MAIN assign switch is used to assign the input
channel to the left and right stereo bus outputs.
15- VOLUME - Fader Level Control
The VOLUME Fader control adjusts the level of each
mono input channel.