3. Special Features
Using advanced print features
• XPS printer driver: used to print XPS file format.
- The XPS printer driver can be installed only on Windows Vista OS or
- Install optional memory when an XPS job does not print because the
printer is out of memory.
- For models that provide XPS driver from the Samsung website, http:/
/www.samsung.com > find your product> Support or downloads.
Printing to a file (PRN)
You will sometimes need to save the print data as a file.
Check the Print to file box in the Print window.
Click Print.
Type in the destination path and the file name, and then click OK.
For example, c:\Temp\file name.
If you type in only the file name, the file is automatically saved in My
Documents, Documents and Settings, or Users. The saved folder may
differ, depending on your operating system or the application you are