EU Declaration of Conformity (R&TTE)
We, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
declare under our sole responsibility that the product
Laser Beam Printer
model "ML-4050N"
to which this declara tion relates is in con form ity w ith
R&TTE Directive 1999/ 5/EC ( Annex IV )
Low Voltage Directive 2006/ 95/ EC
EMC Directive 89/ 336/ EEC , 92/ 31/ EEC
By app lication of the follo w ing standards,
(Representative in the EU)
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. #259,
Gongdan-Dong, Gumi-Si
Gyeongsangbuk-do [730-030] Korea
(place and date of issue) (name and signature of authorized person)
Sa m s un g E lectro n ics Eu ro Q A La b.
Blackbushe Business Park, Saxony Way
Ya teley , H amp sh ire, GU46 6GG, UK
Wh an -Soo n Yim / Seni or Manag er
Yo ng -Sang Park / Man ager
(place an d da te of issue) (name and signatu re of a uthorized person )
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
#259, Gongdan-dong, Gum i-si Gyeongsanbuk-do [730-030] Korea
Samsung Electrinics Shandong Digital Printing Co., Ltd.
Sanxing Road, W eihai Hi-Tech IDZ, Shandong Province 2 64209, China
(factory n am e, address)