Category Sort
This handy tool lets you temporarily arrange the Guide to view only programs in a particular
category such as Movies, Sports or News.
1) While in the Guide, press MENU
2) Arrow to Category Sort and press SELECT
3) Select the genre you want, and you’ll be able to further narrow your choices by subcategories
(i.e., Movies, Comedy). The Guide fitting the description will appear.
4) Simply scroll through to find a program you like. SELECT on a presently playing show to
tune to it or SELECT a future program, and you’ll see its related Info screen and have the
opportunity to autotune it or see other showings.
Just press GUIDE to return to the regular Guide, or EXIT to return to live TV.
For Category Sort results, move more
quickly through the choices by using
the RED or GREEN keys on your remote
to advance or reverse 90 minutes.
Category Sort
Chapter 4