Samsung Napster YP-910 Player - 3130 - Samsung Napster YP-910 Player
Tracks that you purchase through Napster can be transferred seamlessly to
your Samsung Napster Player using the Napster application.
Before transferring, make sure your Samsung Napster Player battery is charged or
connected to AC power, otherwise your transfer may not complete successfully.
When you plug your device into your computer through the USB port, the Napster
application will automatically recognize it and display it as Samsung/Napster YP-910
under the menu tree of your Napster Library. If your Samsung Napster Player is not
connected or detected, it will display a “Portable Device” icon.
If your Samsung Napster Player is not listed, check your connection and verify that the
Samsung Napster Player is detected by your computer. (see page 20).
If you try to transfer tracks to your Samsung Napster Player that you have not purchased
yet, you will automatically be prompted to purchase the tracks.
Make sure your Samsung Napster Player battery is charged or connected to AC power.
To transfer tracks from your Napster Library to your Samsung Napster Player:
1. Locate the track(s) or playlist that you want to transfer in your Library.
You can transfer tracks from anywhere else in Napster by right-clicking and selecting
[Transfer Track(s) to Portable Device].
2. Click and hold the mouse on the track(s) or playlist, then drag the tracks
to the listed Samsung/Napster YP-910 icon in the left window of your
Napster Library (refer to the following figure).
If the tracks are Napster tracks that you have not already
purchased, you will be prompted to purchase them.
Transferring Music to Your Samsung Napster Player
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