Before you can listen to or record XM content, you must activate your player.
1. Set up your player, cradle, power adapter,and antenna (page 18 or page 20). Make sure the
XM Passport is inserted in the cradle and that the player can receive the XM signal.
2. Place NeXus in the “Live XM” mode (page 24).
3. Find the 8-character XM Radio ID, which is printed on the XM Passport and on the package.
Or select XM channel 0 to view the Radio ID. Record the Radio ID here for reference:
■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■
The XM Radio ID does not use the letters I, O, S, or F.
4.Activate your XM Satellite Radio service online at http://activate.xmradio.com or by calling
1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346).You will need a major credit card.
XM will send a signal from the satellites to activate the full channel lineup.Activation normally
takes 10 to 15 minutes, but during peak busy periods, you may need to keep your player on
for up to an hour.When you can access the full channel lineup on your player, you’re done!
Subscribing to XM
Subscribing to XM